Schedule - Winter term 2024/25

Lecture slots

If not announced otherwise, the lectures/exercises/guest lectures will take place:

  • Wed | 08:30 - 10:00 | GRS001 | Schinkelstr. 2a

  • Fr | 14:30 - 16:00 | ESS009 | Eilfschornsteinstr. 18

Exam: Date yet to be announced


Block 1: Introduction

Type Time Date Topic Lecturer Material
L 8:30 KW 41, 09.10.24 Organization & The Vision of Quantum Computing J. Kowalski L0, L1

Block 2: Foundations

Type Time Date Topic Lecturer Material
L 14:30 KW 41, 11.10.24 From Complex Numbers to Hilbert Spaces J. Kowalski L2
L 8:30 KW 42, 16.10.24 Probabilistic States and Stochastic Matrices J. Kowalski L3
L 14:30 KW 42, 18.10.24 Qubit, Superposition & Dirac Notation J. Kowalski L4
E 8:30 KW 43, 27.10.24 Self-study exercise: Revision of linear algebra and notations O. Ahrend E1-2
L 8:30 KW 45, 06.11.24 Multi-Qubit, Entanglement & Measurement J. Kowalski L5

Block 3: Introduction to Gate-based QC

Type Time Date Topic Lecturer Material
E 14:30 KW 45, 08.11.24 Intro to Python and virtual environments O. Ahrend E3
L 8:30 KW 46, 13.11.24 Basic Single Quantum Gates & Circuits J. Kowalski L6
E 14:30 KW 46, 15.11.24 Introduction to Qiskit O.Ahrend E4
E 14:30 KW 47, 22.11.24 Noisy quantum circuits O. Ahrend E5
L 8:30 KW 48, 27.11.24 Two-Qubit Gates & EPR Pairs J. Kowalski L7
E 14:30 KW 48, 29.11.24 Grovers Algorithm O. Ahrend E6

Block 4: Gate-based QC for CSE Applications

Type Time Date Topic Lecturer Material
L 8:30 KW 49, 04.12.24 Classical Computing in Quantum Speak & Quantum Parallelism J. Kowalski L8
G 14:30 KW 49, 06.12.24 Quantum Lattice Boltzman M. Möller G1
L 8:30 KW 50, 11.12.24 Quantum Fourier Transform J. Kowalski L9
G 14:30 KW 50, 13.12.24 Quantum Linear Solve T. Stollenwerk G2
G 8:30 KW 51, 18.12.24 Overview of existing QC algorithms - potential for CSE and challenges M. Berta G3
G 14:30 KW 51, 20.12.24 Quantum processors as hybrid systems – connecting qubits and electronics L. Geck G4

Block 5: QA for Engineering

Type Time Date Topic Lecturer Material
L 14:30 KW 2, 10.01.25 Introduction to Quantum Annealing J. Kowalski L10
E 15:16 KW 2, 10.01.2024 QA exercise Session 1 O. Ahrend E7
L 8:30 KW 3, 15.01.25 Lecture + exam Prep part 1 J. Kowalski L11
E 14:30 KW 3, 17.01.25 QA exercise Session 2 O. Ahrend E8
G 8:30 KW 4, 22.01.25 Guest lecture A. Benigni G5
E 14:30 KW 4, 24.01.25 QA exercise Session 3 O. Ahrend E9
E 8:30 KW 5, 29.01.25 QA exercise Session 4 O. Ahrend E10
L 14:30 KW 5, 31.01.25 Wrap-up and exam prep part 2 J. Kowalski/O. Ahrend L12